Workflow schema for content input, storage and reuse
Input streams:
- Twitter accessed through Flipboard and desktop clients (all favorited tweets are bookmarked at Diigo)
- Feedly (~150 subscriptions, dynamically changed) and its “saved for later” option
- random browsing ends up at Diigo
- research stuff gets downloaded into Zotero and ends up in one of the predefined folders (there is no “dump” folder)
- this notebook entries are enchanced by manually verified Zemanta links
Review of the content:
- web pages get revisited and annotated with Diigo
- papers are updated with PDF files if I didn’t have access to them while bookmarking; PDFs are annotated with PDF-XChange Viewer or iAnnotatePDF on iPad
- annotations are extracted in the Zotero (only text selections) and attached to the individual items (plugin-based functionality, search for Zotero-File)
Finding the content:
- Pro version of Diigo creates a cache of bookmarked sites and provides a full search option on their content, tags are somehow redundant
- Zotero has the content organized, search and tags are rarely used
Re-using the content:
- annotations (text snippets, sometimes figures) are inserted in the master notebook file for each project in the relevant portions
- annotations sometimes are used as quotes in the text documents
- reference management happens only in Zotero (or manually if setting a folder in Zotero for a small text would be an overkill)